Sunday 27 September 2009

These Are The Days Of Our Lives - Queen

Aspects of Performance/Mode of Address/Narrative/How does the video create an image for the band?

The video shows a direct mode of address from Freddie with the band performing on a small stage. The video just shows the band performing with equilibrium shown throughout the video. There is no real story to the video as it is performance based.
The video is basically a reflection of the past as in the clip, issues for the band were high so this is effectively a farewell song. This video also doesn't reflect the band as previous videos did with no flamboyunacy used.

How do the visual elements relate to the song? (Illustration,Amplification,Disjuncture)

The video amplifies the depressing, sombre tone of the song as the video is all filmed in black or white which further underlines the gloom of the song. But the video could disjuncture the lyrics as it has no storyline to it so this could create enigma codes for the audience.

Mise en scene

The music video is set on a stage in black and white which reflects the simplicity of it. All the music video contains is the band on a stage with instruments. Make up use is key as Freddie Mercury is covered in make up to cover up his face even though it is filmed in black and white. But referring back to the image of the band, the band do wear some outrageous clothes as Freddie wears a jacket with images of cats on it.

Use of camera + Representation + Editing

The video begins with a close up of the drummer's hands softly tapping the drums which then fades into a close up of Freddie's face. It then fades into a mid shot of John Deacon sat on a stool and then fades back into a mid shot of Freddie's face. It carries on like this until the chorus when Freddie smiles into the camera which could signify his grimacing from his pain and suffering. The fading continues throughout the video of all the band members. The ending is key to the video as it shows Freddie whisper "I still love you". This could be viewed as a subliminal message as a message to all his and Queen's fans.

Special Effects are not used in this video.

Easy listening, soft ballad

An older audience

Music Channel
VH1 Classic, Smooth

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