Wednesday 30 September 2009


1. Are you male or female?
      [tick box] Male               [tick box] Female

2. Please indicate your age:
              [tick box] Under 16
              [tick box] 16-25
              [tick box] 26-35
              [tick box] 36-45
              [tick box] 45+

3. Please name your favourite artist: ________________________

4. What genre of music do you like? Tick your top three.
              [tick box] Rock
              [tick box] Metal
              [tick box] Rap
              [tick box] Pop
              Other, please state: ______________

5. What do you expect to see in music videos of the genres you picked to question 4?
1st Genre: ________________________________________
2nd Genre: ________________________________________
3rd Genre: ________________________________________

6. Where do you watch music videos?
              [tick box] TMF
              [tick box] MTV
              [tick box] Youtube
              [tick box] iTunes
              Other channel, please state: ________________
              Other internet site, please state: ______________

7. On average, how often do you watch music videos?
              [tick box] Everyday
              [tick box] More than once a week
              [tick box] Once a week
              [tick box] Fornightly
              [tick box] Monthly
              [tick box] Less than once a month

8. What time of day do you watch music videos?
              [tick box] 6am-9am
              [tick box] 3pm-6pm
              [tick box] 6pm-9pm
              [tick box] 9pm-12am (midnight)
              [tick box] After midnight

9. Do you watch an array of videos or do you just watch ones by artists you like?
      [tick box] An array         [tick box] Just artists liked

10. In music videos, do you like to see narrative based ones (ones with a story)?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No
      [tick box] Depends on song

11. If yes, what types of narrative do you like to see (for example, the story of breakup)?

12. Do you think the music video should illustrate the lyrics?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No
      [tick box] Depends on song

13. Do you like dance based routines in music videos?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

14. If yes do they have to be elaborate dances (ie, a complicated dance with a lot of people), or simple dances?
      [tick box] Elaborate       [tick box] Simple
      [tick box] No preference

15. Should the music video be linear or non-linear?
      [tick box] Linear           [tick box] Non-Linear

16. Do you expect to see the band in the music video?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

17. If yes, is a cameo acceptable or do they have to perform/act/do both?
              [tick box] Perform
              [tick box] Act
              [tick box] Perform and Act
              [tick box] Cameo
              [tick box] Doesn't matter

18. Do you think it’s acceptable in a music video to have references to outside subjects, for example someone dressed up as Batman?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

19. Do you watch music videos more than once? As in, do you actively seek them out to watch again?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No
      [tick box] Depends if I like them

20. Do you think special effects should be included, regardless of whether they look good?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

21. Do you willingly watch music videos that are not for your target audience?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

22. Should a music video take place in a realistic setting or more of a fantasy one?
      [tick box] Realistic         [tick box] Fantasy

23. Please state your favourite music video and why:

24. Please state your least favourite music video and why:

25. Do you think green screen should be used in music videos?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

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