Sunday 27 September 2009

Lily Allen - Smile

Aspects of performance / mode of address

The mode of address is direct as she sings to the camera but there is no real aspect of performance as she sings to herself and to the camera as a memoir. The singing to the camera could also suggest that she wants to tell more people about her situation as a form of revenge. The mode of address could also be seen as indirect depending on the lyrics, and who she is referring to within them.


The narrative is non-linear as at the start we see them happy together and this could suggest that the we are seeing the past rather than the future or present. In the video, Lily Allen (who plays the main character) pays a group of people to ransack her ex partners apartment and to physically injure him and damage his possessions. Towards the middle of the video we see her getting her revenge by him coming to her aid but she takes advantage of his vulnerability and puts laxatives in his drink.This makes the male character vulnerable once again and ends up with her, to conclude the video she gets full revenge and gains control of their relationship.

How does the video create an image for the star artist/band?

The video creates a fun image for Lily Allen and also a playful, youthful but also a spiteful and vindictive style of person. These qualities are shown because the artist's target audience share her qualities and can relate to the spiteful and vindictive side if they have witnessed betrayal and been hurt by a partner.

How do the visual elements relate to the song?(Illustrating/amplification/disjuncture)

The visuals amplify the lyrics in the song because of the song title and Lily Allen is smiling about the torment she's causing to her partner. The chocolate she eats and the way she lies on her bed keeping her body language to a very minimal shows how upset her character is.

Mise En Scene

The setting where it's filmed looks normal, working class setting.Places such as Lily Allen's bed sit, the man's apartment the city streets and the road side cafe are all places the audience can relate to. The setting makes the story believable. Lily Allen herself is pretty ordinary and working class dressed in a dress and wearing trainers gives her a very "ordinary" image, this and the big gold earrings gives her a chavvy image which appeals to her main target audience.

Use of camera

The camera uses quite a lot of zooms on the main character to accentuate upon her normal appearance and setting. Shot reverse shots are used very quickly between her and the man she makes a deal with the get back at her partner, this is used to show and common bond between the two and that the deed has to be done quickly and subtly.


Cuts are used a lot between action so we can see Lily Allen's reaction to what's happening on screen. Also black and white is used which represents CCTV in a way. Also the editing matches with the speed of the music


The character eats chocolate whilst looking down and depressed. This image is often associated with being hurt by a guy and trying to get over a bad situation. The costumes of the men that are hired to seek the ex partner of the main character suggest working class people and overall a working class environment. The laughing and smiling in response to the damage done to him and his property links to the spiteful and vindictive acts explained above.

Special Effects

There is no CGI or polytechnics used instead effects that are used such as dissolves etc, are all done during the editing process. But at the end, there is a possibility that blue screen is used to show Lily walking down the street.

Genre Pop

Audience Teens - late 20's

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