Monday 21 September 2009

I Wish I Knew - Lighthouse Family

Aspects of performance/mode of address

There is a direct mode of address, the lead singer speaks directly to the audience. He also addresses the people on the train directly by looking into their lives and trying to fix the problems they have. The video is predominately narrative based, with performance elements shown in the narrative.


The video is set around the lead singer walking slowly through the trains carriages and looking into all these people's lives to sort out their problems. As he moves down the train he takes a passenger along with him, he looks into their eyes and makes their issues disappear by discussing them and passing on the message which is taken from the lyrics of the song, "say it loud, say it clear, for the whole world to hear". The narrative is non-linear because of the flashbacks however there is a clear beginning, middle and end. The beginning starts on the train, the middle is picking up the passengers and the end shows the passengers and the lead singer leaving the underground and walking into the light filled streets above.

How does the video create a star image for the band

The video doesn't show a performance, it shows the lead singer with a message and a plan to help change people's life. This image the video shows connotes a mellowed, chill out feeling which will be reflected in the band's target audience.

How do visual elements relate to the song? (illustrating, amplification and disjuncture)

The video's visuals amplify the lyrics, the lyrics suggesting that people should talk about their issues and troubles in order to be free of them. The lead singer's message, in the end, works as they all walk of the train into the sunny streets above the underground which could have religious connotations.

Mise en scene

The video starts in an underground setting, not a stage or a place linked to a performance area. The place isn't a special one and a therefore somewhere where everybody can relate to. The people present in the video aren't particularly special and dress in mundane clothes . On the train the lead singer blends in well with everyone which again, is unusual for a music video as the band usually stand out being something special and out of the ordinary.

Use of camera

Throughout the music video,the main camera used are mid shots along with tracking and full shots to see the man walking down the trains carriages. There are over shoulder shots and these give us the view of the main character gathering people together in a God-like fashion which relates to the religious theme. We see close ups of a passengers eyes or lips which eventually dissolve into the flashes. Also we see two shots of the lead singer and the main woman.


The editing is mostly continuous linear, match on action is used as the girl takes the vocalist's hand and leads him down the train . Straight cuts are used at a slow pace in time with the music. Eye line match was also used to make the main character looks as though he relates to the other passengers.


Everybody on the train looks working class however, the lead singer is wearing a smart jacket and hat which looks make him look slightly higher in class. The woman who is first to join him has blonde hair and is pale, this makes her look angelic. Also, the other band member follows the lead singer which makes him look like his disciple which relates to religion. Also at the end, the blonde woman has the spotlight on her which could signify her angelic appearance more.

Genre : The song "I Wish I Knew" could be classed as soulful pop as it is easy listening

Audience (Age) 25 - 40.

Channel VH1, Magic and Smooth.

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