Sunday 27 September 2009

Hey Boy, Hey Girl - Chemical Brothers

Aspects of performance/mode of address

The video isn't performance based as the band are not in the video so narrative is the most important aspect in the video, however the video does include some dance routines. The mode of address is indirect as lipsynching is not used during the video so the audience follows the story shown.


There are two sections of the video, the first being a young girl being tormented by young boy but he could be an admirer so this leaves an enigma code for the audience. We later see her standing and looking at a dinosaur skeleton in the museum which is also an intertextual reference as at the beginning, the girl is reading a book with dinosaurs in. Then, the girl falls down the stairs at the museum after being chased by the young boy. Her wrist is injured, and we see her in the hospital having an xray.

The second part is the same girl but later on in her life, we see her drinking bottled water in a night club bathroom. The bottle drops to the ground and rolls under the toilet door away from the girl. We see that when the doors are opened, two skeletons during sexual intercourse with shows the theme of bones and skeletons and also the theme of drug abuse. The narrative is linear, bits flash forward but this is still a linear narrative.

How does the video create an image for the star band/ artist?

The video doesn't involve the band, however part o it it is set in a night club and therefore their image is related to the night club scene, dance music and drug culture. This is quite a negative image to portray because of the connection to drugs but this is all linked with the bands audience and their lifestyle.

How do visual elements relate to the song? (Illustrating, Amplifing and Disjuncture)

The video amplifies the relationships between the male and female characters. However, other than this, the video uses disjuncture as it is not to do with the song's lyrics.

Mise en scene

The older version of the woman dressed in black and goes against the sexualised image usually applied to people in night clubs. Also, the dancing is like a rave which reflects the time period of 1999. There are lots of drugs on show and this paired with the reputation of night clubs connotes danger and once again represent the bands target audience but everyone in the nightclub is drinking bottled water. The bones and skeletons could also be linked to drugs as well.

Use of camera

The sequence starts with a tracking shot down the bus there is then a high shot looking down at the young girl to show her size in the scale of the bus. There is then a low angle shot of a boy making him look taller and intimidating towards the smaller girl.


A big editing feature was the use of elliptical editing, this was used specifically in where we see the young girl looking into the mirror then suddenly the older version of the girl in replaced, still looking in the mirror. Dissolves are also used and cuts are used at first slowly then faster in time with the music.


The video represents male as dominant at the beginning with the use of the low angled shot. This is further backed up by a high angled shot of the girl which shows her vulnerability. .

Special Effects

CGI is used for the moving skeletons and the effects attached to them. All the other effects were mainly created through the editing process which features dissolves and strobing etc.

Genre Dance music

Audience Teenagers/Early 20s

Channel MTV Dance

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