Wednesday 30 September 2009

Questionnaire Results + Conclusions

Question 1 Male/Female

This pie chart shows that our results are more male orientated but shows that we attempted to find an even amount of males and females to ask. As such our results are unbiased and not lenient to one gender in particular, giving us a near equal view of each gender.

Question 2 Age

Despite best efforts, as the questionnaire was given to people of our own age group we ended up with a large quantity in one category and none at all in most of the other categories. However, our results are technically bias towards 16-25 year olds, and as such, our results will be based on the opinions of 16-25 year olds.

Question 4 What genre of music do you like? Tick your top three.

Rock proved to be the most popular, followed by Pop, then Rap and Metal. These are all standard, well known genres that are the most popular for a certain audience. A song that falls within these genres would have at least a slight following from being in a genre people listen to, and would make them give it a try. Rock reaches out to the most people, and this could be because rock is very broad and widespread with many different subgenres within it that an appeal to a lot of people. It would be good if we used rock as this is what the audience want.

Question 6 Where do you watch music videos?

Youtube is the most popular, which is typical, as it is a well known, wide spread site on the internet, the same way the next favourites, TMF/MTV, are well known on the television. Youtube probably proved to be the most popular as it has everything - our video needs to be shown on Youtube to reach our target audience. TMF/MTV covers songs that are more in vogue at a specific time so would be proved to be popular as well. We should broadcast on MTV and TMF to ensue the audience view it as well. The others are less known channels, or ones overshadowed by the bigger ones - they are also specific to genre and image and do not tend to cover a wide array of genres.

Question 7 How often do you watch music videos?

This displays that our target audience watch music videos every-day, followed by more than once a week, which suggests music videos are popular. Music videos are not uncommon to our audience so it will be likely the audience will at least watch it as they are used to music videos

Question 8 What time do you watch music videos?

This shows that mid-afternoon and early evening is the most popular time so our music video should be aired around these times to catch our target audience. A video shown should be made the most of in these hours as people are more likely to watch it. Having the video shown after midnight would not be advantageous as no one questioned stated they watch music videos after midnight. Early morning showings would also not be advantageous but would pull more of an audience than after midnight, and late on into the evening would be a good time to air it but not necessarily the best.

Question 9 Do you watch an array of videos or do you just watch ones by artists you like?

An array appears to be most popular, but large quantities also appear to like watching videos by just the artists they like. This means as people would not have heard the artist we have chosen, as they are unknown, we have to make an impression on the ones who only watch videos they like the musician of whilst the fire chance is there, since there are a good quantity in the audience, and encourage them to watch the video again. People who watch an array normally should be more open to the idea of a music video by someone unknown.

Question 10 Do you like to see videos with aspects of narrative?

10. From the results it can be inferred that narrative based videos are at least popular and, depending on the genre of the song most people like to see at least some aspect of narrative. If our video fell into the genre that would be expected to have a narrative, or the lyrics demanded a narrative including one would be a good idea because that is what the audience would want to see.

Question 12 Should the music video illustrate the lyrics?

Do you think the music video should illustrate the lyrics?Most people appear to like it, and like some substance, but half state the idea that it depends on the song. As we know what genre illustrates or amplifies lyrics instead of disjuncture, we know what videos would need it, so if our video was of a genre that needed it, then those in the audience would probably approve as well.

Question 13 Do you like dance routines?

The results suggest that an even amount like dance routines; half may be disappointed that it lacks it or does contain it and half will feel the opposite so only half the audience will be satisfied. In reality, it will depend on what type of genre of music we decide to use - these results contradict the genre that was most popular, rock.

Question 14 Elaborate or Simple?

We can either be elaborate or simple as most people had no preference. However of the people who voted for elaborate or simple, elaborate was the most popular so it appears elaborate dances intrigue a bigger array of people.

Question 15 Should the music video be linear or non-linear?
Non-linear is the most popular, however, it is for the most part on even split. Ultimately, the video being linear or non-linear would depend on the story, and only half the audience would be pleased, and the other half not, so it is only possible to satisfy half the audience either way.

Question 16 Do you expect to see the band in the music video?
Having a band appear in the video mostly seems to be expected. The other six who don't expect it probably wouldn't mind to see them but aren't necessarily going to look for them. It seems standard from a lot of videos that the artist should appear in some shape or form as this is very modern and appears in a lot of videos played today, so it would be an ingrained ideal for those we asked

Question 18 Do you think outside references are okay to put in music videos?
Most people asked thought it was acceptable to have it, so if we deem our music video to need it, it would not lose the audience due to the fact we have referenced something else, as they believe it to be an okay thing to do inside a music video. However some still did not like the idea of it, so we should only use it if we are positive that it is needed.

Question 19 Do you watch music videos more than once?
This shows that our audience watch music videos more than once; however, a large quantity it depends for, so we will have to have a large impact with our video the first time they view it as they are unlikely to watch it again or seek it out to watch.

Question 20 Do you think special effects should be included regardless of whether they look good or not?
This shows that our audience has a mixed view so this will come into consideration when we come to film and edit our video, and again will depend on what we deem is best for the genre and for attracting an audience overall.

Question 21 Do you willingly watch music videos that are not for your target audience?
This suggests that the people we surveyed are open-minded when coming to watch music videos. If we chose a song that was not typically for this audience and used that in a music video, this implies they will not be deterred away as a whole as many of them do watch videos that are not necessarily aimed for them.

Question 22 Should a music video take place in a realistic setting or more of a fantasy one?
This shows that our audience wants a realistic video rather than fantasy set one, which means that locations will have to be realistic and hold a resemblance to places in real life and be relatable to the audience, to make it all that more realistic

Question 25 Do you think green screen should be used in music videos?
This displays that our audience would like to see green screen in music videos, and it seems almost expected as most people answered with a yes. If we have the technology available, we should consider using green screen if it is needed.

Other questions

Question 3 Please name your favourite artist

For this question, everyone answered with a different favourite artists. The artists varied from 60's bands to much more modern bands and artists, and a variety of genres were also covered. This indicates we asked a wide array of people with very different music tastes, even if they do have interests in the same genres.

Question 23 Please state your favourite music video and why

Often,people stated their favourite aritst,though sometimes it varied. A lot of the videos mentioned were modern videos with good graphics and video quality, or older, classic-type videos that are extraordinarly famous for some quirk that got them noticed.

Question 24 Please state your least favourite music video and why

Surprisingly, despite the fact some people motioned dance as one of their favourite genres, dance videos were not popular and several people mentioned artists or dance videos at this point. Another common answer from the girls was that they didn't like the 'pointless dancing around mostly naked', and some of the boys also wrote something similar to this as well. Some videos mentioned also were ones were the artist was portrayed badly or there was something controversial in them, so we should avoid this.

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