Sunday 27 September 2009

Its A Hard Life - Queen

Aspects of Performance/Mode of address

The music video features a mixture of direct and indirect address. The main focus in the video is on Freddie Mercury (lead singer) and his story shown in the video. The video is very surreal and abnormal with the band wearing strange costumes.


The video mainly follows a linear sequence but there are parts where non linear is shown in the middle of the video and when the guests disappear. Also the video has a clear beginning which shows Freddie Mercury reflecting, a clear middle which involves Brian May playing a character which could be related to death and the ending with the high angled shot pulling out.

How does the video create an image for the band?

The video shows how Queen were over the top in their music videos with the use of outrageous costumes but it shows a theatrical style which is typical of the band but also that their music videos have deeper meanings which are hard to see. It also shows Freddie Mercury's flamboyunacy which is reflected in this video.

How do the visual elements relate to the song? Illustration/Amplification/Disjuncture

The music video could illustrate the lyrics as the lead singer shows signs of loneliness throughout the video but the video mainly disjunctures the lyrics as there is no coherent storyline throughout the video.

Mise en scene

The costumes used in the video reflect a Shakespeare style. Also, the skull and bone guitar is used which is used in the middle of the video signifies death as all the people in the room apart from the band disappear. The room is also full of wealth which is shown through the costumes and make up.

Use of camera + Representation

The video begins with a close up of Freddie lipsynching the words which then cuts to a full shot of the room which shows all the guests to a presumed party. Then a slow zoom in on Freddie is used with the spotlight on him which signifies his importance in the scene. Then the camera pans downwards as Freddie walks down the steps. It then cuts to a low angled shot tilted to the left as it shows Freddie at the top of the stairs which signifies some power. In the bottom left of the screen, Brian May walks up the steps with a briefcase which provokes enigma codes as the audience doesn't know what's inside the case. A crane shot is used then to show Freddie which then drops downwards to show Freddie. This then turns into a mid shot of him, Roger Taylor and John Deacon (who appear in the background). As the video progresses, a low angled shot is used when Brian May appears again with a skull and bone guitar which signifies his power in the scene and it is also a representation of death and misery as lead singer Freddie Mercury is singing about how "life is tough, on your own" so this could also signify loneliness.. Also, zoom in close ups on the band members faces are used to signify their importance. It ends with Freddie sat on the stairs showing his weakness.


In the video, match on action is used in the middle of the video but it is shown in the form of non-linear.


The genre for this song is ballad


The audience would be middle aged people as the song reflects a mid life crisis in a way.

Music Channel

VH1 Classic

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