Wednesday 30 September 2009

Questionnaire Results + Conclusions

Question 1 Male/Female

This pie chart shows that our results are more male orientated but shows that we attempted to find an even amount of males and females to ask. As such our results are unbiased and not lenient to one gender in particular, giving us a near equal view of each gender.

Question 2 Age

Despite best efforts, as the questionnaire was given to people of our own age group we ended up with a large quantity in one category and none at all in most of the other categories. However, our results are technically bias towards 16-25 year olds, and as such, our results will be based on the opinions of 16-25 year olds.

Question 4 What genre of music do you like? Tick your top three.

Rock proved to be the most popular, followed by Pop, then Rap and Metal. These are all standard, well known genres that are the most popular for a certain audience. A song that falls within these genres would have at least a slight following from being in a genre people listen to, and would make them give it a try. Rock reaches out to the most people, and this could be because rock is very broad and widespread with many different subgenres within it that an appeal to a lot of people. It would be good if we used rock as this is what the audience want.

Question 6 Where do you watch music videos?

Youtube is the most popular, which is typical, as it is a well known, wide spread site on the internet, the same way the next favourites, TMF/MTV, are well known on the television. Youtube probably proved to be the most popular as it has everything - our video needs to be shown on Youtube to reach our target audience. TMF/MTV covers songs that are more in vogue at a specific time so would be proved to be popular as well. We should broadcast on MTV and TMF to ensue the audience view it as well. The others are less known channels, or ones overshadowed by the bigger ones - they are also specific to genre and image and do not tend to cover a wide array of genres.

Question 7 How often do you watch music videos?

This displays that our target audience watch music videos every-day, followed by more than once a week, which suggests music videos are popular. Music videos are not uncommon to our audience so it will be likely the audience will at least watch it as they are used to music videos

Question 8 What time do you watch music videos?

This shows that mid-afternoon and early evening is the most popular time so our music video should be aired around these times to catch our target audience. A video shown should be made the most of in these hours as people are more likely to watch it. Having the video shown after midnight would not be advantageous as no one questioned stated they watch music videos after midnight. Early morning showings would also not be advantageous but would pull more of an audience than after midnight, and late on into the evening would be a good time to air it but not necessarily the best.

Question 9 Do you watch an array of videos or do you just watch ones by artists you like?

An array appears to be most popular, but large quantities also appear to like watching videos by just the artists they like. This means as people would not have heard the artist we have chosen, as they are unknown, we have to make an impression on the ones who only watch videos they like the musician of whilst the fire chance is there, since there are a good quantity in the audience, and encourage them to watch the video again. People who watch an array normally should be more open to the idea of a music video by someone unknown.

Question 10 Do you like to see videos with aspects of narrative?

10. From the results it can be inferred that narrative based videos are at least popular and, depending on the genre of the song most people like to see at least some aspect of narrative. If our video fell into the genre that would be expected to have a narrative, or the lyrics demanded a narrative including one would be a good idea because that is what the audience would want to see.

Question 12 Should the music video illustrate the lyrics?

Do you think the music video should illustrate the lyrics?Most people appear to like it, and like some substance, but half state the idea that it depends on the song. As we know what genre illustrates or amplifies lyrics instead of disjuncture, we know what videos would need it, so if our video was of a genre that needed it, then those in the audience would probably approve as well.

Question 13 Do you like dance routines?

The results suggest that an even amount like dance routines; half may be disappointed that it lacks it or does contain it and half will feel the opposite so only half the audience will be satisfied. In reality, it will depend on what type of genre of music we decide to use - these results contradict the genre that was most popular, rock.

Question 14 Elaborate or Simple?

We can either be elaborate or simple as most people had no preference. However of the people who voted for elaborate or simple, elaborate was the most popular so it appears elaborate dances intrigue a bigger array of people.

Question 15 Should the music video be linear or non-linear?
Non-linear is the most popular, however, it is for the most part on even split. Ultimately, the video being linear or non-linear would depend on the story, and only half the audience would be pleased, and the other half not, so it is only possible to satisfy half the audience either way.

Question 16 Do you expect to see the band in the music video?
Having a band appear in the video mostly seems to be expected. The other six who don't expect it probably wouldn't mind to see them but aren't necessarily going to look for them. It seems standard from a lot of videos that the artist should appear in some shape or form as this is very modern and appears in a lot of videos played today, so it would be an ingrained ideal for those we asked

Question 18 Do you think outside references are okay to put in music videos?
Most people asked thought it was acceptable to have it, so if we deem our music video to need it, it would not lose the audience due to the fact we have referenced something else, as they believe it to be an okay thing to do inside a music video. However some still did not like the idea of it, so we should only use it if we are positive that it is needed.

Question 19 Do you watch music videos more than once?
This shows that our audience watch music videos more than once; however, a large quantity it depends for, so we will have to have a large impact with our video the first time they view it as they are unlikely to watch it again or seek it out to watch.

Question 20 Do you think special effects should be included regardless of whether they look good or not?
This shows that our audience has a mixed view so this will come into consideration when we come to film and edit our video, and again will depend on what we deem is best for the genre and for attracting an audience overall.

Question 21 Do you willingly watch music videos that are not for your target audience?
This suggests that the people we surveyed are open-minded when coming to watch music videos. If we chose a song that was not typically for this audience and used that in a music video, this implies they will not be deterred away as a whole as many of them do watch videos that are not necessarily aimed for them.

Question 22 Should a music video take place in a realistic setting or more of a fantasy one?
This shows that our audience wants a realistic video rather than fantasy set one, which means that locations will have to be realistic and hold a resemblance to places in real life and be relatable to the audience, to make it all that more realistic

Question 25 Do you think green screen should be used in music videos?
This displays that our audience would like to see green screen in music videos, and it seems almost expected as most people answered with a yes. If we have the technology available, we should consider using green screen if it is needed.

Other questions

Question 3 Please name your favourite artist

For this question, everyone answered with a different favourite artists. The artists varied from 60's bands to much more modern bands and artists, and a variety of genres were also covered. This indicates we asked a wide array of people with very different music tastes, even if they do have interests in the same genres.

Question 23 Please state your favourite music video and why

Often,people stated their favourite aritst,though sometimes it varied. A lot of the videos mentioned were modern videos with good graphics and video quality, or older, classic-type videos that are extraordinarly famous for some quirk that got them noticed.

Question 24 Please state your least favourite music video and why

Surprisingly, despite the fact some people motioned dance as one of their favourite genres, dance videos were not popular and several people mentioned artists or dance videos at this point. Another common answer from the girls was that they didn't like the 'pointless dancing around mostly naked', and some of the boys also wrote something similar to this as well. Some videos mentioned also were ones were the artist was portrayed badly or there was something controversial in them, so we should avoid this.


1. Are you male or female?
      [tick box] Male               [tick box] Female

2. Please indicate your age:
              [tick box] Under 16
              [tick box] 16-25
              [tick box] 26-35
              [tick box] 36-45
              [tick box] 45+

3. Please name your favourite artist: ________________________

4. What genre of music do you like? Tick your top three.
              [tick box] Rock
              [tick box] Metal
              [tick box] Rap
              [tick box] Pop
              Other, please state: ______________

5. What do you expect to see in music videos of the genres you picked to question 4?
1st Genre: ________________________________________
2nd Genre: ________________________________________
3rd Genre: ________________________________________

6. Where do you watch music videos?
              [tick box] TMF
              [tick box] MTV
              [tick box] Youtube
              [tick box] iTunes
              Other channel, please state: ________________
              Other internet site, please state: ______________

7. On average, how often do you watch music videos?
              [tick box] Everyday
              [tick box] More than once a week
              [tick box] Once a week
              [tick box] Fornightly
              [tick box] Monthly
              [tick box] Less than once a month

8. What time of day do you watch music videos?
              [tick box] 6am-9am
              [tick box] 3pm-6pm
              [tick box] 6pm-9pm
              [tick box] 9pm-12am (midnight)
              [tick box] After midnight

9. Do you watch an array of videos or do you just watch ones by artists you like?
      [tick box] An array         [tick box] Just artists liked

10. In music videos, do you like to see narrative based ones (ones with a story)?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No
      [tick box] Depends on song

11. If yes, what types of narrative do you like to see (for example, the story of breakup)?

12. Do you think the music video should illustrate the lyrics?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No
      [tick box] Depends on song

13. Do you like dance based routines in music videos?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

14. If yes do they have to be elaborate dances (ie, a complicated dance with a lot of people), or simple dances?
      [tick box] Elaborate       [tick box] Simple
      [tick box] No preference

15. Should the music video be linear or non-linear?
      [tick box] Linear           [tick box] Non-Linear

16. Do you expect to see the band in the music video?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

17. If yes, is a cameo acceptable or do they have to perform/act/do both?
              [tick box] Perform
              [tick box] Act
              [tick box] Perform and Act
              [tick box] Cameo
              [tick box] Doesn't matter

18. Do you think it’s acceptable in a music video to have references to outside subjects, for example someone dressed up as Batman?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

19. Do you watch music videos more than once? As in, do you actively seek them out to watch again?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No
      [tick box] Depends if I like them

20. Do you think special effects should be included, regardless of whether they look good?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

21. Do you willingly watch music videos that are not for your target audience?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

22. Should a music video take place in a realistic setting or more of a fantasy one?
      [tick box] Realistic         [tick box] Fantasy

23. Please state your favourite music video and why:

24. Please state your least favourite music video and why:

25. Do you think green screen should be used in music videos?
      [tick box] Yes               [tick box] No

Sunday 27 September 2009

These Are The Days Of Our Lives - Queen

Aspects of Performance/Mode of Address/Narrative/How does the video create an image for the band?

The video shows a direct mode of address from Freddie with the band performing on a small stage. The video just shows the band performing with equilibrium shown throughout the video. There is no real story to the video as it is performance based.
The video is basically a reflection of the past as in the clip, issues for the band were high so this is effectively a farewell song. This video also doesn't reflect the band as previous videos did with no flamboyunacy used.

How do the visual elements relate to the song? (Illustration,Amplification,Disjuncture)

The video amplifies the depressing, sombre tone of the song as the video is all filmed in black or white which further underlines the gloom of the song. But the video could disjuncture the lyrics as it has no storyline to it so this could create enigma codes for the audience.

Mise en scene

The music video is set on a stage in black and white which reflects the simplicity of it. All the music video contains is the band on a stage with instruments. Make up use is key as Freddie Mercury is covered in make up to cover up his face even though it is filmed in black and white. But referring back to the image of the band, the band do wear some outrageous clothes as Freddie wears a jacket with images of cats on it.

Use of camera + Representation + Editing

The video begins with a close up of the drummer's hands softly tapping the drums which then fades into a close up of Freddie's face. It then fades into a mid shot of John Deacon sat on a stool and then fades back into a mid shot of Freddie's face. It carries on like this until the chorus when Freddie smiles into the camera which could signify his grimacing from his pain and suffering. The fading continues throughout the video of all the band members. The ending is key to the video as it shows Freddie whisper "I still love you". This could be viewed as a subliminal message as a message to all his and Queen's fans.

Special Effects are not used in this video.

Easy listening, soft ballad

An older audience

Music Channel
VH1 Classic, Smooth

Its A Hard Life - Queen

Aspects of Performance/Mode of address

The music video features a mixture of direct and indirect address. The main focus in the video is on Freddie Mercury (lead singer) and his story shown in the video. The video is very surreal and abnormal with the band wearing strange costumes.


The video mainly follows a linear sequence but there are parts where non linear is shown in the middle of the video and when the guests disappear. Also the video has a clear beginning which shows Freddie Mercury reflecting, a clear middle which involves Brian May playing a character which could be related to death and the ending with the high angled shot pulling out.

How does the video create an image for the band?

The video shows how Queen were over the top in their music videos with the use of outrageous costumes but it shows a theatrical style which is typical of the band but also that their music videos have deeper meanings which are hard to see. It also shows Freddie Mercury's flamboyunacy which is reflected in this video.

How do the visual elements relate to the song? Illustration/Amplification/Disjuncture

The music video could illustrate the lyrics as the lead singer shows signs of loneliness throughout the video but the video mainly disjunctures the lyrics as there is no coherent storyline throughout the video.

Mise en scene

The costumes used in the video reflect a Shakespeare style. Also, the skull and bone guitar is used which is used in the middle of the video signifies death as all the people in the room apart from the band disappear. The room is also full of wealth which is shown through the costumes and make up.

Use of camera + Representation

The video begins with a close up of Freddie lipsynching the words which then cuts to a full shot of the room which shows all the guests to a presumed party. Then a slow zoom in on Freddie is used with the spotlight on him which signifies his importance in the scene. Then the camera pans downwards as Freddie walks down the steps. It then cuts to a low angled shot tilted to the left as it shows Freddie at the top of the stairs which signifies some power. In the bottom left of the screen, Brian May walks up the steps with a briefcase which provokes enigma codes as the audience doesn't know what's inside the case. A crane shot is used then to show Freddie which then drops downwards to show Freddie. This then turns into a mid shot of him, Roger Taylor and John Deacon (who appear in the background). As the video progresses, a low angled shot is used when Brian May appears again with a skull and bone guitar which signifies his power in the scene and it is also a representation of death and misery as lead singer Freddie Mercury is singing about how "life is tough, on your own" so this could also signify loneliness.. Also, zoom in close ups on the band members faces are used to signify their importance. It ends with Freddie sat on the stairs showing his weakness.


In the video, match on action is used in the middle of the video but it is shown in the form of non-linear.


The genre for this song is ballad


The audience would be middle aged people as the song reflects a mid life crisis in a way.

Music Channel

VH1 Classic

Lily Allen - Smile

Aspects of performance / mode of address

The mode of address is direct as she sings to the camera but there is no real aspect of performance as she sings to herself and to the camera as a memoir. The singing to the camera could also suggest that she wants to tell more people about her situation as a form of revenge. The mode of address could also be seen as indirect depending on the lyrics, and who she is referring to within them.


The narrative is non-linear as at the start we see them happy together and this could suggest that the we are seeing the past rather than the future or present. In the video, Lily Allen (who plays the main character) pays a group of people to ransack her ex partners apartment and to physically injure him and damage his possessions. Towards the middle of the video we see her getting her revenge by him coming to her aid but she takes advantage of his vulnerability and puts laxatives in his drink.This makes the male character vulnerable once again and ends up with her, to conclude the video she gets full revenge and gains control of their relationship.

How does the video create an image for the star artist/band?

The video creates a fun image for Lily Allen and also a playful, youthful but also a spiteful and vindictive style of person. These qualities are shown because the artist's target audience share her qualities and can relate to the spiteful and vindictive side if they have witnessed betrayal and been hurt by a partner.

How do the visual elements relate to the song?(Illustrating/amplification/disjuncture)

The visuals amplify the lyrics in the song because of the song title and Lily Allen is smiling about the torment she's causing to her partner. The chocolate she eats and the way she lies on her bed keeping her body language to a very minimal shows how upset her character is.

Mise En Scene

The setting where it's filmed looks normal, working class setting.Places such as Lily Allen's bed sit, the man's apartment the city streets and the road side cafe are all places the audience can relate to. The setting makes the story believable. Lily Allen herself is pretty ordinary and working class dressed in a dress and wearing trainers gives her a very "ordinary" image, this and the big gold earrings gives her a chavvy image which appeals to her main target audience.

Use of camera

The camera uses quite a lot of zooms on the main character to accentuate upon her normal appearance and setting. Shot reverse shots are used very quickly between her and the man she makes a deal with the get back at her partner, this is used to show and common bond between the two and that the deed has to be done quickly and subtly.


Cuts are used a lot between action so we can see Lily Allen's reaction to what's happening on screen. Also black and white is used which represents CCTV in a way. Also the editing matches with the speed of the music


The character eats chocolate whilst looking down and depressed. This image is often associated with being hurt by a guy and trying to get over a bad situation. The costumes of the men that are hired to seek the ex partner of the main character suggest working class people and overall a working class environment. The laughing and smiling in response to the damage done to him and his property links to the spiteful and vindictive acts explained above.

Special Effects

There is no CGI or polytechnics used instead effects that are used such as dissolves etc, are all done during the editing process. But at the end, there is a possibility that blue screen is used to show Lily walking down the street.

Genre Pop

Audience Teens - late 20's

Hey Boy, Hey Girl - Chemical Brothers

Aspects of performance/mode of address

The video isn't performance based as the band are not in the video so narrative is the most important aspect in the video, however the video does include some dance routines. The mode of address is indirect as lipsynching is not used during the video so the audience follows the story shown.


There are two sections of the video, the first being a young girl being tormented by young boy but he could be an admirer so this leaves an enigma code for the audience. We later see her standing and looking at a dinosaur skeleton in the museum which is also an intertextual reference as at the beginning, the girl is reading a book with dinosaurs in. Then, the girl falls down the stairs at the museum after being chased by the young boy. Her wrist is injured, and we see her in the hospital having an xray.

The second part is the same girl but later on in her life, we see her drinking bottled water in a night club bathroom. The bottle drops to the ground and rolls under the toilet door away from the girl. We see that when the doors are opened, two skeletons during sexual intercourse with shows the theme of bones and skeletons and also the theme of drug abuse. The narrative is linear, bits flash forward but this is still a linear narrative.

How does the video create an image for the star band/ artist?

The video doesn't involve the band, however part o it it is set in a night club and therefore their image is related to the night club scene, dance music and drug culture. This is quite a negative image to portray because of the connection to drugs but this is all linked with the bands audience and their lifestyle.

How do visual elements relate to the song? (Illustrating, Amplifing and Disjuncture)

The video amplifies the relationships between the male and female characters. However, other than this, the video uses disjuncture as it is not to do with the song's lyrics.

Mise en scene

The older version of the woman dressed in black and goes against the sexualised image usually applied to people in night clubs. Also, the dancing is like a rave which reflects the time period of 1999. There are lots of drugs on show and this paired with the reputation of night clubs connotes danger and once again represent the bands target audience but everyone in the nightclub is drinking bottled water. The bones and skeletons could also be linked to drugs as well.

Use of camera

The sequence starts with a tracking shot down the bus there is then a high shot looking down at the young girl to show her size in the scale of the bus. There is then a low angle shot of a boy making him look taller and intimidating towards the smaller girl.


A big editing feature was the use of elliptical editing, this was used specifically in where we see the young girl looking into the mirror then suddenly the older version of the girl in replaced, still looking in the mirror. Dissolves are also used and cuts are used at first slowly then faster in time with the music.


The video represents male as dominant at the beginning with the use of the low angled shot. This is further backed up by a high angled shot of the girl which shows her vulnerability. .

Special Effects

CGI is used for the moving skeletons and the effects attached to them. All the other effects were mainly created through the editing process which features dissolves and strobing etc.

Genre Dance music

Audience Teenagers/Early 20s

Channel MTV Dance

Monday 21 September 2009

I Wish I Knew - Lighthouse Family

Aspects of performance/mode of address

There is a direct mode of address, the lead singer speaks directly to the audience. He also addresses the people on the train directly by looking into their lives and trying to fix the problems they have. The video is predominately narrative based, with performance elements shown in the narrative.


The video is set around the lead singer walking slowly through the trains carriages and looking into all these people's lives to sort out their problems. As he moves down the train he takes a passenger along with him, he looks into their eyes and makes their issues disappear by discussing them and passing on the message which is taken from the lyrics of the song, "say it loud, say it clear, for the whole world to hear". The narrative is non-linear because of the flashbacks however there is a clear beginning, middle and end. The beginning starts on the train, the middle is picking up the passengers and the end shows the passengers and the lead singer leaving the underground and walking into the light filled streets above.

How does the video create a star image for the band

The video doesn't show a performance, it shows the lead singer with a message and a plan to help change people's life. This image the video shows connotes a mellowed, chill out feeling which will be reflected in the band's target audience.

How do visual elements relate to the song? (illustrating, amplification and disjuncture)

The video's visuals amplify the lyrics, the lyrics suggesting that people should talk about their issues and troubles in order to be free of them. The lead singer's message, in the end, works as they all walk of the train into the sunny streets above the underground which could have religious connotations.

Mise en scene

The video starts in an underground setting, not a stage or a place linked to a performance area. The place isn't a special one and a therefore somewhere where everybody can relate to. The people present in the video aren't particularly special and dress in mundane clothes . On the train the lead singer blends in well with everyone which again, is unusual for a music video as the band usually stand out being something special and out of the ordinary.

Use of camera

Throughout the music video,the main camera used are mid shots along with tracking and full shots to see the man walking down the trains carriages. There are over shoulder shots and these give us the view of the main character gathering people together in a God-like fashion which relates to the religious theme. We see close ups of a passengers eyes or lips which eventually dissolve into the flashes. Also we see two shots of the lead singer and the main woman.


The editing is mostly continuous linear, match on action is used as the girl takes the vocalist's hand and leads him down the train . Straight cuts are used at a slow pace in time with the music. Eye line match was also used to make the main character looks as though he relates to the other passengers.


Everybody on the train looks working class however, the lead singer is wearing a smart jacket and hat which looks make him look slightly higher in class. The woman who is first to join him has blonde hair and is pale, this makes her look angelic. Also, the other band member follows the lead singer which makes him look like his disciple which relates to religion. Also at the end, the blonde woman has the spotlight on her which could signify her angelic appearance more.

Genre : The song "I Wish I Knew" could be classed as soulful pop as it is easy listening

Audience (Age) 25 - 40.

Channel VH1, Magic and Smooth.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Music Video Notes

Music videos are primarily used as a marketing device to sell and promote the music which also aims to increase awareness and profits. The first main music video which was used as a promotional technique was "A Hard Day's Night" by the Beatles in 1964. The video was used at the start of the feature length mock documentary style film and also featured "Can't Buy Me Love". The following year, the Beatles started to use film inserts as a promotional tool which songs such as "Strawberry Fields are Forever" and "Penny Lane" examples of film inserts. The inserts were directed by Peter Goldman which was considered avant-garde . The videos used fancy slow motion editing which at the time was considered more sophisticated than previous music sequences that had been created. This led to bands beginning to use music videos more frequently. In 1975, music videos took a new dimension as "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen stormed to the top of the charts and stayed there for 9 weeks. The notable thing about this was that it proved to the music industry that videos do sell records.

After this, the popularity of music videos began to rise and by the 1980's, music videos became mainstream with the launch of MTV in 1981, with the first song being "Video Killed the Radio Star" by the Buggles. Music videos then became standard practice for bands and artists as they could be cheaply produced with hi-tech equipment and effects such as the chroma key.

Censorship is used to ensure suitable and appropriate videos for audiences. The British Board of Film Classification regulate with music videos as they are effectively "mini-films" so using inappropriate images must be considered when making a music video. A major example of a music video that was banned was Michael Jackson's "Black and White" in 1991 as one of Michael Jackson's dance moves shows him inappropriately touch himself. Other videos that have been banned by MTV include Queen's "Body Language" from 1982 and was the first video to be banned, The Prodigy with "Smack My Bitch Up" from 1997 and Robbie Williams' "Rock DJ" from 2000.

Music Theory

Some would argue that music videos have made pop superficially based on image and are pop songs enough on their own to make meaning and pleasure for the audience.

"A good music video is a clip that responds
to the pleasure of music, and in which that
the music is made visual, either in new ways
or in a way that accentuates existing
visual associations." - Andrew Goodwin (1992)

1) Music Videos demonstrates genre characteristics such as dance routines shown in girl/boy band music videos.

2) The relationship between lyrics and visuals either contradicts or illistrates the lyrics.

3) The relationships between the music and visuals will either illistrate, amplify or contradicts whats happening on screen.

4) The demands of the record label will include lots of close ups of the artist(s) may develop motifs which reoccure across the style and video.

5) Requent reference to the notion of looking voyerurism of the female body.

6) Intertextual references

Music Theory Questions

What is the basic function or purpose of a music video?

The basic function of a music video is to be a marketing device by the record company as this can increase sales of the record, popularity of the song and help to build the artist's fanbase.

When were the first music videos produced?

Music videos first became mainstream in the 1980s as they became a standard feature for singles by artists. This became more feasibly possible with the launch of MTV in 1981. However, examples of musical sequences existed before this period of time such as can be argued with The Beatles' A Hard Day's Night (1964). The film also included aspects of narrative and some performance, which is similar to modern videos once they became mainstream.

How are music videos comissioned?

Music videos are usually comissioned just prior to the release of a single though sometimes after. A comissioning editor will contact between three to six directors that they deem appropriate for the artist, and to view a showreel of their previous work, before the artist and management decide on which director is best to make a video for them. The directors will then make a treatment discussing what happens in the video, detailing also how it till look, before management and the artist agree on who will shoot the video.

How much time does a music video usually take to produce?

In the music industry, it is not uncommon for a director to be given six weeks from when they first hear the specific track to plan, shoot, and edit the video in question before it is aired on television and online.

According to Andrew Goodwin what are the three different ways in which the visuals in a view can relate to the lyrics of a song?

The three different styles described by Goodwin that the visuals of the video can relate to the lyrics of the song are amplification, illustration and contradiction. An amplification of the visuals to lyrics over-dramatizes the events, making the scenes dramatic and over-the-top; such as a break-up would be emphasied. An illustration of the lyrics is as it sounds - the lyrics are illustrated with visuals. A contradiction of the visuals to lyrics means they don't relate to one another at all, and have no likeness - the visuals are not partaining to the lyrics sung in the song.

What is a music video treatment or pitch?

A music video treatment or 'pitch' is a single page of ideas of what will happen in the music video which will enable anyone reading or hearing it to envision the finished result of the video. Ideas are best to being kept clear and simple so it is easy to follow and negates the chance of things going wrong or being overcomplicated.

What are some of things to avoid in making a student video?

When making a student music video, there are a number of things to avoid. The first is well known songs as the actual artist will be imprinted upon the audience and examiners minds and it will be difficult to start afresh with new ideas. Also over-use of effects, to dress up lack of footage, aimless driving around, or people walking around, speeded up footage to cover up lack of footage once again and footage that is not your own.