Wednesday 21 October 2009

Section 5 - Interview with a Fan

We had an interview with a fan, called Nathan Tindsley.

How long have you been a fan?

I have been a fan of them since 2008 when I first heard the band whilst browsing for artists on MySpace. Since then I have been a dedicated fan and have listened to all their songs since.

Have you seen the band live, or have you met them?

I have seen the band live once when they did Plugged at the Pyramid in Warrington in September 2009. I thoroughly enjoyed the show! Unfortunately I have not been able to meet the band although I would like to and I have a friend who knows them, so hopefully I can meet them.

Favourite song? Why?

I like Fill the Void because I like the use of guitar and I liked the lyrics particularly. But I do like all songs that they have done.

What do you think of the song 'Cheated'?

It is one of my favourites and I am pleased to see that this is chosen to be a video for the band as I think it is a good song that shows their talents.What do you think about them having a video since they haven't had one before?I think it's great! I will be sure to watch it when it is done. Plus, this will also be able to help them catch more attention in the public eye.

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