Wednesday 21 October 2009

Section 5 - Costume

The band is wearing every day, casual, normal clothes that are typical to teenagers, as they are in an everyday situation in an everyday in environment: there is nothing unrealistic about it. We want the audience to be able to relate to what is being shown in the video, as it's a common scenario. It is likely one part will be relatable to the audience.

The girl will wear bright clothes so she stands out – this reflects how the main character will look at her and also her importance to the video. She will also not blend in with a crowd so it's easy for her to be spotted by the audience.
All the extras will wear dull coloured, everyday clothes so they simply look like part of the usual crowd in the area.
A main thing to note is that Nathan is wearing sunglasses. This is because in a lot of pictures and performances he wears glasses and it is almost a trademark or motif of his, so we are keeping to that in the video.

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