Friday 22 January 2010

Section 7 - Audience Feedback Questionnaire

1. Does the video look like a professional music video? Y N

2. Do you like the fade to red at the end? Y N

3.Do you like the jumpcuts at the start of the video? Y N

4. Do you like the jumps in the narrative shown? ie lead singer/girl - then boy/girl. Y N

4b. If not would you prefer a non linear

5. Do you understand the use of the rose? Y N

6. Do you think filming in a busy public place makes the video look more realistic? More realistic/Unreal

7. Do you think the clothing is appropriate to the genre of the song? Y N

8. As a whole, do you think the locations are appropriate in relation to the lyrics/genre? Y N

9. Do you think the lipsynching is accurate? Y N

10. As a whole, do you like the music video? Y N

10b If so, do you think it reflects its target audience? Y N

11. Do you think that the ancillary products (digipack + poster) look professional?

12. Are they appropriate to the song? Y N

13. Do you think they relate enough to the video, ie recurring themes, mise en scene etc? Y N

14. Do you think the girl in the video should be featured in the ancillary products? Y N

15. Personally, do you like them? Y N

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