Wednesday 25 November 2009

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Section 5 - Storyboards

Section 5 - Location Sheet

Location 1
Name of Location: Warrington Town Centre, Central Fountain

Address of Location: Warrington Town Centre

Contact Telephone Number: N/A
Health and Safety: We will have to ask consent or gain forms of ID to film here as this is a usual spot for police to be on patrol, so first we would have to gain permission to film there. Members of the public will be present so at least one of us will be with the camera equipment at all times whilst the other keeps a watch on the cast. It may be a practical idea to take extra people to keep an eye out as this is a public area.

Date of Visit: 7th November 2009
Location 2

Name of Location: Main Character's Bedroom

Address of Location: St. Peter's Way, Warrington

Contact Telephone Number: [Mike's number]

Health and Safety: Any trailing wires will be taped down and marked. As this is a small space we will take extra care in our filming.

Date of Visit: 7th November 2009

Location 3

Name of Location: Woolston Park
Address of Location: off Green Lane (or via Whitchurch Close), Warrington

Contact Telephone Number: N/A, crew's mobile numbers.

Health and Safety: Members of the public will be present so at least one of us will be with the camera equipment at all times. This is a very large park, with lots of overgrowth and people so cast and crew will stick together whilst filming to maximise health and safety.

Date of Visit: 8th November 2009 and 15th November 2009